How to choose the right lawyer for you

General, Understanding Family Law

How to choose the right lawyer for you

“In seeking a lawyer, you are looking for an advocate, an expert advisor on the law and on your rights and responsibilities, a strategist, a negotiator and a litigator.” – Laura Wasser.

A good lawyer is all of these things and more. Depending on your problem, will depend what kind of lawyer you want. We have come up with a short list to help you choose the right lawyer for you.

Do your research

What kind of lawyer do you need? It is important that you have a lawyer who is an expert in their field. After all you wouldn’t order Chinese food in an Italian restaurant, would you?

Phone a friend

Ask trusted advisors like accountants or friends for referrals. 80% of our clients are referred to us by their friends, colleagues or advisors. Another option is to research what other people are saying about the lawyer. Google reviews are usually a good indication of the law firm’s reputation.

Meet with the lawyer for an initial consultation

Go prepared with a list of questions. Do you feel comfortable with the lawyer, will they be handing your case personally or will a junior lawyer be handling it? How much do they charge? What is their plan for your case? Do they explain things in a language that you understand?

Is the lawyer the right fit for you?

Not every lawyer will be the right lawyer for everyone. It is important that you feel confident and comfortable with your lawyer. Do you trust them? Are they giving you guidance?

Catherine Ross, Accredited Family Law Specialist and Co-Founder of Cairns Family Law Group, says:

“Don’t be fooled into hiring a lawyer to tell you what you want to hear – this will not benefit you – your lawyer is not your friend. They are there to give you frank legal advice about your rights and responsibilities and help you generate options to solve your problem.”

Amalie Grima, Co-Founder of Cairns Family Law Group, says:

“Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. What problem do you need solving? What lawyer would be the best to help you solve this problem? Just because you have used one lawyer for your Will and Conveyance before doesn’t necessarily mean they will be the best lawyer for your family law issue or commercial litigation. Whatever your problem, it is very important that you feel your lawyer has your back.”

If you are looking for a family lawyer to give you advice about your separation or divorce, contact us to book an initial consultation and get some advice about your situation.

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