Cairns Family Law Group

Advice Centre

Articles & guides

Your questions answered

We know you probably have questions about your separation or family law matter. Whether you’re dealing with separation, contemplating divorce, or sorting through custody and parenting or property settlement issues, our Advice Centre has some of the answers to your questions to get you started.

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Mediation can be a crucial part of resolving family law disputes. Our top ten tips will guide you through the mediation process, helping you stay informed, realistic, and open to compromise.
This article outlines the various time constraints that apply in divorce, property division, and parenting matters. Learn why it's essential to act within these limits.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for this appointment, from safeguarding your communication to compiling relevant documents.
In this article, we debunk common myths and clarify legal intricacies, from asset division to superannuation splits.
Depending on your problem, will depend what kind of lawyer you want. We have come up with a short list to help you choose the right lawyer for you.
If you own your home jointly with your former partner, you will need to either sell the property or transfer the property into your or your former partner’s name.
A separation or a divorce can have far-reaching effects on the whole family.
The family court is an unfamiliar environment that has its own set of rules and regulations, and can be a daunting experience for most separated parents or spouses
For separated families, Christmas can be a time of increased conflict and angst for many. Both parents understandably want to spend time with their children at Christmas.
In this article we discuss the complexities involved in separating business assets during a divorce.
People are often surprised to learn that superannuation forms part of the property pool available for division upon separation or divorce.
Working out the parenting arrangements for children can be one of the greatest challenges for separated parents.

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